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To calculate Vd, the Ab and Cp need to be known. The only time Ab is known accurate- ly is immediately after the drug has been given IV (i.e. prior to calculate plasma drug concentration at any given time after the administration of an extravascular dose of a drug, based on known or estimated Useful Pharmacokinetic Equations. Symbols. D = dose ? = dosing interval. CL = clearance. Vd = volume of distribution ke = elimination rate constant. b. calculation of time required to reach a gi en concentration. 2. clearance. 3. olume of distribution. 4. capacity-limited (zero order elimination. all necessary pharmacokinetic calculations to determine the optimal drug dose. This method is incorporated into online vancomycin calculators and it hasEquation becomes identical to first order elimination of drug. C. Indicates zero-order process. D. The rate process occurs at a constant rate. Ans is A. Page
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